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Prepping For Spring In The Garden

Terracotta Pots With Plants And Flowers

Observe your grounds

Take advantage of the bare earth around you to do a thorough sweep of your (soon-to-be) green spaces. Check for soil erosion, examine the foundation of your home, and take a close look at surface tree roots. If there are any glaring issues, you can be sure to have them taken care of before you begin planting and growing.

Prune perennials

    Although you may have given your garden a nice trim as the sun set on summertime, mid-winter is a great time to reassess which plants need an extra once-over to remove any dead matter. Come spring, your perennials will be in tip-top shape to blossom, bloom, and grow.

    Remove invasive plants

      You may notice that some hardy invasive plants have crept into your garden beds over the last months. Depending on your hardiness zone, certain species can sneak in between seasons and easily survive the frosts of winter. Removing them now will save you a little bit of time when planting season comes along. 

      Plan your garden

        Dust off your favorite notebook and set aside some time to dream-up your garden by creating a diagram of your available growing spaces, whether you plant in raised beds, pots, or in-ground. Be sure to mark where you have pre-established perennials, shrubs, and trees, then fill-in with complimentary annuals. If you’re unsure of what to grow, do a quick online search of your area’s hardiness zone to see what is best suited to your environment.

        Peruse seed catalogs 

          Once you’ve decided what to plant, it’s time to zero-in on varieties and determine quantity. It’s delightful to see all the different kinds of tomatoes, peppers, and daisies! A few of our favorite seed sellers are Uprising Seeds and Seed Savers Exchange. When you place your order, don’t neglect to get organized. A seed saving box is the perfect place to store your seeds, alongside bits of gardening paraphernalia. 

          Order spring bulbs

            Even if you haven’t quite landed on your pick of veggies, annuals, and herbs for the warmer months, don’t forget to pick-up your spring bulbs! What is spring without crocuses, daffodils, and starflowers? Tip: Call your local nursery to do an online phone order with curbside pick-up to eliminate the need for expedited shipping. 

            For more gardening goodies, head to our products page. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We would love to share more gardening knowledge with you or help you determine what you might need to make your growing dreams come true!

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